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Dorothy Mae Birmingham
Memory Book 1927-1932
  INDEX:     Pages 1-11   Pages 11-17     Pages 18-27 below     Pages 28-37     Pages 38-54    Pages 55-60 

[ Page 18 is blank; not shown. ]

Page 19: “High balls” (top) “Evening hopes” (bottom). These are probably more references to dances: mother drew white circles on the page, made brief notes (very hard to read) in three of them.

Page 20: Mother’s handwritten notes about her first day at Iowa State Teacher’s College, Summer 1928. She lists her teachers and movies and band concerts. Both sides of the sheet are written on; the reverse side is below.

Unfathomable material, most of it, but some amusing details--#13 I think ends "lonely nights," and #12 mentions setting an alarm for 3 a.m.--
cramming for a test, maybe?# 19 says "Dorothy Birmingham, R.N., Brown eyes, have I? Half dressed" (last word folded under). One reads this,
so clearly written, and wonders, "What on earth was on this young lady's mind?"

Music programs (including one from Lourdes listing her sister Harriet [1921-2005] and Patrick Birmingham [1919-1984] as singing a duet), 1928 and 1929; one from Clinton. For some reason these materials are pasted in upside down.

Page 20: new photo upload pending. Two women, in a photograph printed 2 July 1929, but neither is mother. Sitting on steps outside a house next to an apartment building, perhaps? A large brick building.

Page 21: “In memory of the breakfast given in honor of the Class of ’28 by their parents.” Page 22: blank

Page 23-27: Name cards (classmates from ICA, perhaps also ISTC?) page 23: photo upload pending

Page 24.

Page 25. Mother's card, center, lower row. Upper-right corner: Mildred E.Birmingham (appears to be a hand-written signature, not printed). The small card above Mildred's is Marie E. O'Brien.

Page 26.

Page 27. Mildred's printed card, center, lower row.

Click here for Pages 28-37.
